We had visitors to Beaver Island in July and I wanted to show here what we usually show people who come to visit. These folks - Steve and Char - came from Illinois and I think they enjoyed the visit plus got some good relaxation in! Here's our dog doing her relaxing on the porch.
Cary likes to spend his time reading in this little nook on the porch, overlooking Lake Michigan.
Museum Week started during the time we had Steve and Char as visitors. We went to the Music on the Porch and loved this picture of the dog just drooling to get a lick of the little visitor's ice cream cones!!
Music on the Porch. Most of us were bundled in jackets as it was cold for July!
A view of Lake Michigan from East Side Drive on the south end of the island. Gorgeous huh!
Steve and Char visiting Iron Ore Bay.
Me and Cary at Iron Ore Bay.
It's about 30 miles across to the mainland - Charlevoix is over there someplace!
This gull was enjoying the day at Iron Ore Bay.
Our van -- it has been a good Beaver Island car but lately has had problems. Guess it needs a new computer--so do I!
Another fantastic view of Lake Michigan.
We stopped at the south end lighthouse. This lighthouse is great because you can go up the spiral staircase to the light at the top. During our visit there were folks in the keeper's house and they gave us a little tour.
Here's the lighthouse and the keeper's houses. There are actually two houses for keepers.
Ahhhh - relaxing on Beaver Island!
Fresh eggs from the farm around the corner from our house. Good eggs! Cary became the "eggman" and rode the scooter over to pick up the eggs.
A view of the other Beaver Island lighthouse - Whiskey Point which is by "town." Very picturesque.
Nancy and Cary
One of the most charming places to visit in town is the Toy Museum. Lots of antique toys around the shop and inside is a variable child's delight of little toy thingees. Not very expensive; just fun for the kiddies! And fun for adults too.
In the yard at the Toy Museum.
Not everybody enjoys looking at the toys! So they wait outside!
Sometimes the husbands need to be jailed. This is the old jail at the Museum. Seemed appropriate.....
Let us out!!
Touring the island with Steve and Char.
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